John Deere Gator HPX 4x4 diesel utility vehicle c/w full cab with heater, electric tipping buck, high and low CVT transmission and road registration. Hours: 2725
John Deere 3320 4wd compact tractor c/w front weights, pedal operated hydrostatic transmission and rear spool valve, road registration, folding roll bar and turf tyres. Loader ready with spool valv...
John Deere 3320 4wd compact tractor c/w full set of front weights, pedal operated hydrostatic transmission and rear spool valve, road registration, folding roll bar and turf tyres. Loader ready wit...
John Deere 3320 4wd compact tractor c/w pedal operated hydrostatic transmission and rear spool valve, road registration, folding roll bar and turf tyres. Loader ready with spool valves and joystick. Hours: 4451
John Deere 6215R 4wd tractor c/w Auto Quad Plus 20/20 50kph gearbox, front linkage and PTO, front suspension, cab suspension, air and hydraulic trailer brakes with ABS, 4 x spool valves (2 on joyst...
Set of agricultural type wheels and tyres removed from John Deere 855 compact tractor.
John Deere 1026R 4wd compact tractor c/w 2 range hydrostatic transmission, front and rear 3 point linkage and PTO, mid PTO, 1 rear spool valve and 2 mid mount spool valves on joystick, road lightin...
John Deere 380/85 R30 front and 380/90 R46 rear wheels and tyres with fixed centres set at 80" track width. Removed from John Deere 6130R.